About Us
IO2 Technology is a San Francisco, Bay Area company that develops interface platforms relating to free-space displays. Free-space imaging is an emerging arena and constantly evolving. ? Earlier limited-series prototypes were sold to a wide range of industries from automobile, defense and advertising clients including Toyota, General Dynamics and General Electric. ?IO2 Technology and Heliodisplay resellers offer the Heliodisplays and various plug-in modules to meet specific range of requirements for a broad solution set.?
Heliodisplay and IO2
Free-space displays emancipate digital information into the real world allowing a closer and more intuitive interface between virtual information and its user. The co-spatial nature of the input/output field compresses information-space where both real world objects coexist in three-dimensional space with digital information. This platform further redefines the architectural layout of our living space by supporting collaborative decision and creative making environments, limited in the past to unidirectional physical display surfaces. IO2 stands for the second-generation I/O interface or input-output esoteric used in the computer world where digital information and the real world co-meet and information goes into or out from a computer.
Future-generations and development of the technology?
IO2 is currently developing advanced systems employing alternate technologies that will be available in the near future. ?These platforms will serve multiple future markets. Form-factor, image size, interface design, scalability and enhanced features are under development in the product pipeline. The currently available M3 series contains numerous advancements in performance and imaging fidelity versus the previous prototypes. ?Form factor, weight, energy usage and operating noise has decreased, image size and fidelity increased.A new user interface and firmware both to the interactivity feature, imaging engine, optics and image delivery.?