Since 1992...
... our teams have imagined innovative hybrid solutions able to provide the answer to specific problems in the 3D image field.
We have acquired a great deal of expertise in the development of innovative products in the field of aspect digital mockup and photo-realistic 3D real-time rendering.
Important Dates
Release of the P3D software suite.
Market launch of Patchwork3D 4.0 adapted to 64 bits operating system.
Partnership with Axis3D (China).
Market launch of P3D ConfBuilder. Creation of an american subsidiary located in Los Angeles.
Market launch of Patchwork3D 3.0 and P3D AnimaSuite.
Lumiscaphe open a new branch office near Paris.
Partnership with Kaga Electronics (Japan).
Market launch of Patchwork3D 2.0 and P3D Virtual Sight.
New partnership with Mc Neel and Amapi and market launch of P3D InstantViz.
Complementary modules added to Patchwork3D to offer an optimal and coherent software package. Market launch of these new modules. Partnership with UGS Corp. A dedicated version of Patchwork3D for SolidEdge is launched.
Market launch of Patchwork3D.
Development of Patchwork3D, real-time 3D visualization solution.
Creation of the Lumiscaphe company. Located near Bordeaux, France, Lumiscaphe gathers know how to develop a new technology that combines photo-realism and interactivity.